Celebrating 90 years of caring

A long-standing WNJ client is celebrating 90 years of creating chances, choices and opportunities for children, families and communities.

Caritas Care is a not for profit, registered charity. Its head office is in Preston and its work covers the entire North West of England.

That work is structured into different operational areas. These include children’s services, where its purpose is to provide security and stability for children and young people in need, achieved through adoption or foster care.

The charity also delivers adult and community services for adults with physical and/or learning disabilities/complex health needs and community projects which reach out to people who are at risk of isolation or homelessness.

As part of its 90th anniversary celebrations, Caritas Care has now embarked on a major exercise to raise funds and boost the profile of the charity.

Susan Swarbrick, Caritas Care chief executive, says: “Our mission has been to respond positively to the changing needs of our community, by delivering services that give better life chances to people of all ages.

“Our aim is to provide services that enable people in our community to have the chances, choices and opportunities to live the best lives that they can.

As we enter our 90th year, we will be celebrating our achievements and the work of the charity through a range of activities during the year, and these will include many of our service beneficiaries whose lives we have touched throughout our existence.

“We hope that these celebrations will help to raise awareness of our work in the local community and raise the profile of Caritas Care, to encourage more people to come forward and access our services.”

She adds: “As a charity, one of our biggest challenges is generating sufficient income to cover the on-going costs of delivering our services, and we are therefore using our 90th anniversary as a fundraising opportunity to support the on-going work of the Charity in the future.

“As our theme for the year is linked to ‘90’, we are planning 90 activities for our staff and service users, such as walking 90 miles, having 90 different cakes at our annual afternoon tea party event or collecting 90 pennies in a jar.”

WNJ acts as auditor for Caritas Care and also provides a payroll service for the charity.

Here is the charity’s Just Giving link: https://www.justgiving.com/caritas-care
quoting Ref 90for90.